The Institute of Political History held an international scientific conference with the title Openness and Closedness – Culture and Science in Hungary and the Soviet Bloc after Helsinki. It was organised in the framework of the project Western Impacts and Transfers in Hungarian Culture and Social Sciences in the 1970s and 1980s supported by the OTKA/NKFIH. I had a lecture: The (Re)Institutionalization of Hungarian Political Science, which transcript is available at my
9.30Opening Panel
MELINDA KALMÁR (senior research fellow, University of Szeged):
The Decades of Détente – Dynamics of Interdependence
GYÖRGY FÖLDES (managing director, Institute of Political History):
Reform and Ideology after 1968
RÓBERT TAKÁCS (research fellow, Institute of Political History):
East-West Debates on the ”Third Basket” of the Helsinki Final Act
Culture – Region
VIVIANA IACOB (Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, University of Bucharest):
ITI in Eastern Europe: The Globalization of Socialist Theatre
ERIKA SZÍVÓS (associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University – ELTE):
Cultural Transfers in Urban Planning and Architecture
12.00 – Lunch break
PÉTER CSUNDERLIK (research fellow, Institute of Political History):
From Criticising „NATO-history writing” to the Triumph of „Comecon-history writing”? – Change of Attitudes in Hungarian historiography after 1956
ATTILA ANTAL (senior lecturer, ELTE Faculty of Law):
The (Re)Institutionalization of Hungarian Political Science
ANDRÁS PINKASZ (economist, Hungarian Central Statistical Office): Rival Views of Economics in the 1980s in Hungary: Mathematical Economists, Neoclassical Economists, and the Creative Positivists
ERZSÉBET TAKÁCS (senior lecturer, Institute of Sociology, ELTE):
In the Mantle of Professionalization. Hungarian Family Sociology Research in the 1970s and 1980s (magyar nyelvű előadás)