Under the tenure of Prime Minister Viktor
Orbán, the political system in Hungary has moved significantly in an autocratic
direction, yet there is a lack of research explaining the historical context,
political landscape and drive behind this shift. This book offers a deep
historical and theoretical investigation into how this authoritarian, populist
regime has evolved. Backlash from globalization in the 21st century,
dissatisfaction with the European Union and international fiscal institutions
have created a situation in which Orbán’s regime is able to thrive. New kinds
of autocracy cannot be properly understood without a thorough analysis of
Eastern Europe’s development in the 20th century and the neoliberal agenda
before and after the regime changes. There is a major oversight in the
contemporary literature regarding the historical and theoretical origins of right-wing
authoritarian populism in Hungary. This book explores the main factors behind
the Orbán regime including the country’s authoritarian populist past, the
charismatic charm of populist leaders, and cooperation between neoliberal and
state autocracy. By providing a thoroughly researched historical narrative and
offering an alternative critique of right-wing populism, this text will prove
invaluable for researchers seeking to understand Eastern European history and
politics, as well as populism, authoritarianism and neoliberalism more broadly.
Published:09 Oct 2019
Publisher:Emerald Publishing Limited
Dimensions: 206 pages - 129 x 198mm
Series:Emerald Points
Chapter 1. Theory of Authoritarian Populism and
Chapter 2. The Origins of Authoritarian Populism
in Hungary
Chapter 3. The Orbán’s Regime: Neoliberal and
Authoritarian Populist Backlash
Chapter 4. Conclusion:
A War Between Law and Politics
It can be pre-ordered
Emerald Publishing