Thursday, 27 October 2022

State of Exception and Authoritarian Populism (@Association for Political Theory Annual Conference, 27-29 October 2022, University of Houston)

I am attending at the Association for Political Theory Annual Conference, 27-29 October 2022 which will be held at University of Houston. The program is available form here. I brought here my postdoc research on the contemporary overlapping state of exceptions. The lecture is about State of Exception and Authoritarian Populism. The Extraordinary Measures Under International and Civil Society Control. It has been investigated here how the international humanitarian law and the civil society can be a counterbalance in terms of the emerging authoritarian application of exceptional governance.

I also have the honour of chairing the Authoritarianism and Elites panel.

The research is carried out in the framework of "The State of Emergency in the Era of Global Ecological and Pandemic Crisis„ project (financed by National Research, Development and Innovation Office Postdoctoral Excellence Program of Hungary, ID-number: 139007, hosting institution: ELTE Faculty of Law)